Welcome to your source for personal safety and self-defense training! CORPORATE SAFETY PROGRAMS offers specially-designed programs for women, teenage girls, children, seniors, and people with disabilities.
For over two decades, CSP has been enhancing the safety of people just like you – and our programs get results! Dozens of workshop participants have shared with us that they were later able to defend themselves successfully against attempted assaults, using what they had learned in these classes.
Explore these pages to find the perfect option for yourself, your family, your friends, and your colleagues. Please feel free to contact us for additional information. We are dedicated to your safety.
BONUS OFFER: Sign up for free email notifications of upcoming classes and special monthly self-defense tips! Just send an email to lbockian@cspselfdefense.com with (1) your first and last name, and (2) the word “ADD.” Easy!

Call (818) 776-8185 or email lbockian@cspselfdefense.com for more info.